Using ChatGPT for Content Ideation in Your Architecture Firm

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A Guide Based on Justin Welsh’s Content Matrix Strategy

I remember when I sat down to create content for my architecture firm.

I was excited and determined, convinced that my ideas would flow effortlessly onto the page.

But hours later, I stared at a blank screen, overwhelmed and frustrated. I felt anxious about creating content and didn’t know what to write.

The pressure of producing high-quality content without a structured system was traumatic.

I felt like drowning in endless possibilities with no clear direction or focus.


That experience taught me the importance of having a solid content creation strategy, and that’s when I luckily found ChatGPT.

ChatGPT has revolutionized my approach to content ideation, especially when combined with Justin Welsh’s Content Matrix strategy.

Let me show you how…



What is Justin Welsh’s Content Matrix Strategy?

Justin Welsh’s Content Matrix is a framework designed to help entrepreneurs and businesses generate diverse content ideas that cater to different audience segments.

The matrix typically includes four main content pillars:

  • Inspiration,
  • Education,
  • Engagement, and
  • Promotion.


Each pillar serves a specific purpose and addresses your audience’s various needs and interests.


How I Use ChatGPT for Content Ideation

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how I use ChatGPT to generate content ideas for each pillar of the Content Matrix.


1. Inspiration

Inspiration content is designed to motivate and inspire your audience. I often include success stories, visionary ideas, and thought-provoking concepts.

Example Prompts:

  • “Can you provide ideas for inspirational stories about successful architecture projects?”
  • “What are some visionary trends in sustainable architecture that we can share?”


Generated Ideas:

  • A series of posts highlighting iconic sustainable buildings and the architects behind them.
  • Stories of architects who have overcome significant challenges to achieve success.


2. Education

Educational content aims to inform your audience. This can include how-to guides, industry insights, and best practices.

Example Prompts:

  • “What educational topics in architecture might our audience find valuable?”
  • “Can you suggest ideas for a blog post about the latest architectural software tools?”


Generated Ideas:

  • A detailed guide on the benefits of using BIM (Building Information Modeling) in modern architecture.
  • Tips and tricks for young architects to improve their design skills using new technology.


3. Engagement

Engagement content is designed to foster interaction with your audience. This can include polls, questions, and discussion starters.

Example Prompts:

  • “What engaging questions can we ask our audience about their favorite architectural styles?”
  • “Can you suggest interactive content ideas to boost engagement on our social media platforms?”


Generated Ideas:

  • A poll asking followers to vote on their preferred architectural style: modern, classical, or futuristic.
  • A discussion post inviting followers to share pictures of their favorite buildings and why they love them.


In the Marketing – Content Sprint I discuss my ChatGPT prompts for Content Ideation in detail (and much more)


4. Promotion

Promotional content highlights your firm’s services, projects, and achievements.

Example Prompts:

  • “How can we creatively showcase our latest architecture projects to attract potential clients?”
  • “What are some promotional content ideas for announcing our new service?”


Generated Ideas:

  • A behind-the-scenes video tour of a recently completed project showcasing the design process.
  • A series of client testimonials highlighting successful collaborations and project outcomes.


What did I learn using ChatGPT for Content Ideation?

Once you have a list of content ideas generated by ChatGPT, you can organize them into the Content Matrix.

This approach ensures that my content strategy is well-rounded and addresses the diverse interests of our audience.


Example Content Calendar:

1Architect Success Stories in BusinessThe Benefits of Implementing BIMPoll: Most Valuable Business Skill for ArchitectsVideo Tour of Our Office and Workflow
2Visionary Business Leaders in ArchitectureEffective Marketing Strategies for Architecture FirmsShare Your Biggest Business ChallengeClient Testimonial: How Our Firm Helped Boost Their Business
3Architects Who Mastered EntrepreneurshipFinancial Management Tips for Architecture FirmsDiscussion: Favorite Business Books for ArchitectsBehind-the-Scenes Look at Our Project Management Process
4Innovative Business Models in ArchitectureBuilding a Strong Brand Identity for Your FirmQ&A Session: Ask Our Experts About Business GrowthNew Service Announcement: Business Coaching for Architects


In our case, our content is around business education for architecture firms.

So, our content calendar looks something like this:


Weekly content calendar in notion

We post daily or weekly updates on our social media channels. These include quick business tips, client testimonials, industry news, and upcoming webinars and event announcements. Our goal is to stay connected with our audience and provide ongoing value.

We share insights on running a successful architecture firm, including business strategies, marketing tips, and productivity hacks. Our posts aim to provide valuable information that helps our audience improve their practices.

We share insights on running a successful architecture firm, including business strategies, marketing tips, and productivity hacks. Our posts aim to provide valuable information that helps our audience improve their practices.


In your case, it might be about sustainable architecture or managing construction projects.

What is your expertise?


Conclusions of using ChatGPT for Content Ideation

Using ChatGPT with Justin Welsh’s Content Matrix strategy can significantly enhance your content ideation process.

By generating various content ideas that inspire, educate, engage, and promote, you can create a dynamic and effective content strategy for your architecture firm.

Embrace this approach to consistently produce content that captivates your audience and showcases your firm’s expertise.


My advice: Start using ChatGPT today to brainstorm innovative content ideas.

🎓 Tired of your amazing architectural work going unnoticed? Step up your game with the Marketing – Content Sprint. Learn how to create and share content that showcases your expertise, engages your audience, and sets you apart in the industry.


Are you ready to take your content strategy to the next level?



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