❔ Participants Usually Ask

Sprints are short, focused courses aimed at quickly teaching you important skills to help grow your architecture firm.

They’re packed with useful tips and actions you can start using right away. Instead of long, drawn-out classes, Sprints are made to fit into your busy life, giving you the knowledge and tools you need without taking up too much time. The idea is to help you see real changes in your work fast, using clear steps and guidance.

Sprints are self-paced lessons you can complete on your own. Here’s how they work:

  1. Solve a Challenge
    Each Sprint focuses on solving one specific problem per week. You’ll get a challenge to solve with provided resources. The goal is you to take action and solve one of your firm’s biggest pains. At the end, you’ll get the solution to compare with your work.

  2. Get Daily Follow-Up
    After you purchase, you’ll receive daily emails with instructions and resources to guide you through the Sprint. The emails cover:

    • Challenge introduction
    • Resources
    • Tools and tips
    • More resources
    • Solution
  3. Need help?
    Just reply to any of our emails, or book a 1:1 session for extra assistance.

💡 Learn more about how Sprints work

During your Sprint, you’ll have dedicated email support to help you through any challenges or questions you might encounter. If something in the course material isn’t clear or you need advice on applying what you’ve learned to your own business, simply reply to any of the course emails. Our support team will get back to you with the guidance you need. It’s as simple as that.

👉 If you’re seeking the most affordable Sprint version, choose Email Support for 199€.


Additionally, if you need more in-depth assistance or want personalized advice, you can book a 1:1 session with our experts. This way, you can get targeted help to tackle specific issues and maximize your learning experience.

👉 If you’re looking for in-depth assistance, choose 2-hour sessions for 599€ or 5-hour sessions for 999€.

With these support options, you’re fully covered. Whether it’s a quick question or a deeper challenge, we’re here to ensure you can move forward confidently and make real progress in your business.

The Waitlist is a way to secure your spot in our upcoming Sprints before they are officially open for registration.

By joining the Waitlist, you’ll be among the first architects to know when new Sprints are available. This will give you early access to sign up and ensure you don’t miss out due to limited spots.

Here’s how it works:

  • When you join the Waitlist, you will receive an email notification when new Sprints are launched.
  • Waitlist members often get special discounts or early bird pricing to thank you for your interest and patience.
  • Being on the Waitlist helps you secure your place in our popular Sprints, which can fill quickly.


Joining the Waitlist is simple and FREE. It’s a great way to stay ahead and plan your learning schedule with us.


Sprints are specifically designed for architects who want to move beyond traditional roles and dive into entrepreneurship.

If you’re a curious architect, eager to learn but feel you’re missing the business know-how to take your career to the next level, these Sprints are for you.

They’re perfect for those who work hard and are looking for ways to earn more, be more satisfied in their careers, and want practical tools and insights to succeed in the business side of architecture.

Whether you’re just starting to think about your own business or looking to grow your existing one, Sprints will give you the knowledge and confidence to make it happen.

In a Sprint, you’ll learn specific, useful skills that can directly help grow your architecture business.

These include how to market yourself and your work better, manage your projects more efficiently, and understand the financial aspects of running a business. You’ll also learn about leadership, teamwork, and how to create a strong brand for your architecture firm. 

Each Sprint is designed with practicality in mind, so you’ll get clear examples and actionable steps to apply what you’ve learned immediately. 

By the end of a Sprint, you’ll have a set of tools and strategies you can use to make more money, attract more clients, and increase your overall satisfaction with your work.

For example, in the “Sales – Pricing” Sprint, you’ll learn how to set your prices the smart way, so you make more money for the great work you do.

Here’s what we’ll dive into:

  • Pricing Based on Value: Instead of charging by the hour, we’ll show you how to price your services based on the value you bring to your clients. This means you can earn more for your ideas and the unique designs you create.

  • Talking About Your Worth: We’ll teach you how to explain to your clients why your work is worth the price. You’ll learn to make strong points in your proposals and talks that show off the benefits of choosing you.

  • Negotiating Like a Pro: Learn how to talk about your prices confidently and handle any pushback from clients. We’ll give you tips on how to reach an agreement that pays you well while keeping your clients happy.

  • Flexible Pricing Plans: You’ll discover how to come up with pricing options that fit different projects and client budgets. This way, you can attract more clients while also finding chances to increase your earnings.

After this Sprint, you’ll be ready to set your prices in a way that reflects your value, communicate your worth effectively, and negotiate better deals. This is all about making sure you get paid well for your creativity and hard work.

You will find the detailed information on each Sprint’s description section.

Each Sprint is designed to be short and impactful, lasting just one week.

We’ve structured the courses to fit into your busy schedule, requiring about 3-4 hours of your time each week. This includes watching short, informative videos, completing practical exercises, and participating in discussions.

This way, you can keep moving forward in your career without having to put your current projects on hold.

Sprints are designed to help you apply what you learn directly to your work as an architect.

Each Sprint is action-oriented, meaning you’ll not only learn new strategies and skills but also put them into practice right away.

Here’s how:

  • Practical Exercises: Every lesson comes with exercises that let you use the skills immediately in real-world situations, helping you see how they benefit your business.

  • Tools You Can Use: We provide you with ready-to-use templates, frameworks, and checklists that you can implement directly into your projects or business.

  • Immediate Feedback: Through support and feedback, you’ll receive guidance on how to adjust and improve your work, ensuring that you’re applying the skills effectively.

  • Business-Focused: The content is tailored to the challenges architects face, so everything you learn is relevant and useful for your business.

This hands-on approach ensures that you don’t just learn in theory, but actually see the impact of these new skills on your day-to-day work.

Architects who’ve taken our Sprints see real, positive changes in their work and business.

They report feeling more confident in handling the business side of architecture, from marketing to managing projects and finances.

Here’s what success looks like after completing a Sprint:

  • Increased Earnings: Architects often find new ways to attract clients and projects, leading to higher income.
  • Better Projects: With new skills, they win more exciting and rewarding projects.
  • Greater Confidence: Knowing more about business and marketing makes them feel more in control and confident in their decisions.
  • Time Saved: They work more efficiently, saving time that can be spent on design or with family.

Our community is full of stories from architects who are now enjoying a more satisfying and profitable career because of what they learned in the Sprints.

💬 Take a look out our Testimonials board.

Sprints aren’t just another course.

Sprints are specially designed for architects like you who want to grow their business and reach new heights.

Here’s what makes them different:

  1. Laser-Focused Content: Get straight to the point with topics that matter most, offering you the strategies and insights you need without any BS.
  2. Rapid Results: In just one week, you can make a real difference in your business without disrupting your routine. Sprints are designed to deliver quick, impactful results.
  3. Action-Oriented Learning: Every lesson gives you practical tools and exercises to immediately apply to your business, turning learning into doing.
  4. Support: You’ll have direct email access to our team, so your questions are answered quickly. Need more help? 1:1 sessions are also available to provide deeper guidance.
  5. Flexibility: Learn whenever and wherever works best for you. The email-based format allows you to move at your own pace, making it ideal for your busy schedule.
  6. A Community of Peers: Join a group of fellow architects to share ideas, learn together, and build a network of potential collaborators, mentors, and friends.


Unleash your full potential, one Sprint at a time.

Yes, our Sprints are designed to be interactive, ensuring you can engage directly with the material and get personalized feedback. Here’s how:

  • Email Support: You can ask any questions by replying to the course emails. Our support team is ready to give you the detailed answers you need to move forward.
  • 1:1 Sessions Available: For deeper dives or more personalized guidance, you have the option to book a one-on-one session with an expert. This way, you can get tailored advice specific to your situation.


We support you every step of the way, so you get the most out of your Sprint.

Your success is our goal, and we’re here to help with interactive learning and real-time support.

After completing a Sprint, you’ll continue to have access to a range of support and resources to help you implement what you’ve learned and keep growing.

Here’s what’s available to you:

  1. Continued Email Support: Even after the Sprint ends, you can still reach out via email with any further questions or for advice as you apply your new skills to your business.
  2. Access to Course Materials: You’ll retain access to all the course materials, including videos, templates, and guides, so you can revisit the content anytime you need a refresher.
  3. Exclusive Offers on Future Sprints: Graduates often receive special offers and early access to upcoming Sprints, ensuring you have the opportunity to continue your learning journey at a pace that suits you.


This ongoing support helps you keep the progress you make during a Sprint, so you can keep growing and succeed in your architecture business.


Sprints are fully online and available from anywhere in the world.

All you need is an internet connection. This flexibility lets you learn and improve your skills no matter where you are—whether at home, in the office, or on the go. Sprints are designed to fit into your busy life, so you can learn on your own time, without the need to travel or stick to a strict schedule.

No, you don’t need any special software or tools to join a Sprint.

All you need is internet access and an email account to receive the course materials and updates. We’ve made Sprints easy for everyone, no matter your tech setup or where you are.

Depending on the Sprint, we might suggest free or simple tools to help you learn better or apply what you’ve learned to your business. If we do recommend anything, it will be affordable and easy to use, so you can focus on learning without any technical worries.

Sprints are designed to give you flexibility, allowing you to learn at your own pace.

Each Sprint is designed to last one week, but the materials are sent by email, so you can go through them whenever it works best for you.

If you’re extra busy one day, you can catch up later. Just try to finish everything within two weeks to make the most of the interactive parts, like email support and live Q&A sessions, which happen at set times.

We know architects have busy schedules, so we make learning easy and convenient for you, while still giving you a high-quality and interactive experience.

No, there are no strict prerequisites or required levels of experience to enroll in a Sprint.

Sprints are designed to be beneficial for a wide range of architects, whether you’re just starting to explore the business side or you’re an experienced architect looking to expand your skills.

We structure each Sprint to cover foundational concepts in a way that’s accessible to beginners while also providing deep, actionable insights that more experienced architects will find valuable. The goal is to ensure that everyone, regardless of their starting point, can learn and apply new strategies to grow their architecture firm.

Before starting a Sprint, we’ll provide you with a brief overview of the content and any helpful background information to ensure you’re prepared and can get the most out of the Sprint.

Yes, upon successfully completing a Sprint, you will receive a certificate of completion.

This certificate serves as recognition of the new skills and knowledge you’ve acquired, demonstrating your commitment to professional development and business growth in the field of architecture.

Having this certificate can be a valuable addition to your professional portfolio, showcasing your initiative to learn and adapt to new challenges. It’s a tangible way to highlight your dedication to continuous improvement and can be shared with clients, colleagues, and on your professional social media profiles, like LinkedIn, to enhance your credibility and professional image.

Yes, by participating in a Sprint, you gain access to a community of like-minded professionals who are also working to grow their architecture businesses.

This community is a valuable resource for networking, sharing experiences, and getting feedback from peers who understand the challenges and opportunities within the architecture industry.

Here’s what the community offers:

  • Peer Support: Exchange ideas, ask questions, and share your successes and challenges with a group of supportive peers who are on the same journey as you.
  • Networking Opportunities: Connect with other architects who might provide referrals, collaborate on projects, or offer insights into new market trends and business opportunities.
  • Continuous Learning: Learn from the experiences of others in the community, gaining insights that can help you avoid common pitfalls and adopt best practices more quickly.


Being part of this community extends the value of the Sprints beyond the individual courses, providing you with ongoing support and connections that can help you continue to grow professionally and expand your business long after a Sprint has ended.

New Sprints are released regularly to ensure that our offerings stay relevant to the evolving needs of architects and the architecture industry.

We typically introduce new Sprints every quarter, covering a wide range of topics from business strategies, marketing, project management, to emerging trends in architecture and design.

To stay informed about new Sprints and updates to our existing courses, you can:

  • Subscribe to Our Newsletter: Receive the latest information about upcoming Sprints, special offers, and insights directly to your email  👉  globalarchitect.pro
  • Follow Us on Social Media: We share updates, tips, and engage with our community on LinkedIn.


By keeping in touch through these channels, you’ll be among the first to know about new learning opportunities that can help you continue to grow your business and enhance your professional skills.

Yes, we proudly showcase success stories and testimonials from architects who have completed our Sprints and experienced significant benefits in their professional lives.

These stories provide insight into how the skills and knowledge gained from our Sprints can be applied to achieve real-world success.

Here’s how you can find these testimonials:

  • On Our Website: We have a dedicated section for success stories where you can read about the achievements of past participants, including how they’ve applied what they learned to grow their business, land new clients, and increase their earnings.
  • Social Media: Follow us on social media to see regular updates featuring participant testimonials, video interviews, and case studies highlighting the positive impact of our Sprints.
  • Newsletter: Subscribers to our newsletter receive exclusive stories from our community, offering deeper insights into how others have navigated their professional challenges and turned learning into action.


These testimonials are a great way to see the potential outcomes of joining a Sprint and to hear directly from peers about their experiences and the value they’ve found in the program.

💸 If you’re seeking the most affordable Sprint version, choose Email Support for 199€.

🧑🏻‍💻 If you’re looking for in-depth assistance, choose 2-hour sessions for 599€ or 5-hour sessions for 999€.


They all include full access to the course materials, practical exercises, and email support.

We’ve carefully priced Sprints to make them accessible to architects looking to expand their business knowledge without breaking the bank.

Simple: You can either invest your time or your money.

Sure, you can spend years figuring it out on your own, making mistake after mistake, and wasting valuable hours. Or, you can invest money now, cut through the trial-and-error, and use proven strategies that are specifically designed for architects like you—taught by professionals who’ve been in your exact shoes.

Here’s the truth: Your time is worth far more than the money you’d spend on these Sprints. If your time is anywhere near as valuable as mine, let’s say around 200-250€/hr, then why would you burn hours trying to reinvent the wheel?

Investing in these Sprints is the smart choice if you’re serious about moving forward fast.

While we strive to keep our Sprints accessible, the investment is a reflection of the premium experience and substantial value we deliver.

These Sprints are for serious architects ready to invest in their growth and success, not for those looking for free or low-cost options.

If you’re committed to making a real impact on your career and business, our Sprints will provide the significant, lasting benefits you’re seeking.

We believe you’ll love our Sprints, but we get that sometimes things aren’t a perfect fit.

If you’re not happy with the Sprint in the first week, just let us know, and we’ll give you your money back, no trouble at all.

We want you to feel sure about choosing us, knowing you can change your mind. It’s all about helping you move forward with confidence, and if it’s not working for you, we’re here to make it right.



Sprints are only available for Subscribers, who will get the notification when a new Sprint is unlocked.

Subscribe to our Free newsletter to get the notifications.